Friday, October 26, 2012

Welcome To the Revolution

Life is all about Change, Right ? I have never made a blog before, yet here goes. After learning we were as a group going to Read Younger Next Year. I seen Kelley was looking for bloggers. So I am attempting to contribute to the group.

I enjoy writing and sharing information in a positive fun way . I ask that you please follow along . This is such a powerful Journey that we are on, and the blessing is we have each other.

With out giving up to many details, Let me first start by saying Kelley is my Best Friend, and Accountability partner for many area's of my life. One day , She felt the Nudge from Jesus Christ to reach out to me, she was aware of who I was and what was going on in my self destructive life day after day, after all I lived in a small town, were everyone talked about everything. Kelley was the one who did not talk about me, she reached out her Heart to me and what comes from the heart reaches the heart.

Because of her obedience to the Lord, and her compassion to reach the lost, help the hurting and share the Good news and Love of her Father , Jesus Christ, I am able to sit here today and Blog, for Tackling the Temple, To be a part of a greater whole and to allow God to work through me as well as he did her On Jan 1st 2012.  Thank you God, Thank you Kelley, and thank you all for being a part of my life today.

I am writing on Welcome to the Revolution ... Basically this part of the read is about the hope and inspiration found from others Just like you and me. Who needed a divine intervention. In our case possibly this book. Younger next Year...

Chris and Harry, Have spent allot of time and have had allot of fun, Traveling and speaking around the country - speaking to Groups and changing lives of those they have came into contact and those who have applied this book. " Younger Next Year," to the lives.

They are blessed to hear the story's of readers all the time, not just once in awhile and the report is always delivered with passion, surprise and delight .

On page xxxi-- Chris shares with us that , We are wrecking our own lives, wrecking the lives of those who love us, wrecking the economy, " GOTTA QUIT LIVING LIKE DOPES!" ( Gee does this hit home for me, How many of us Know that over eating and being over weight ( Fat ) is more then likely a addiction problem, Yes genetic play a role, But if your like me , one of anything is too many and a thousand is never enough.( Donut, candy, Hamburger ).....etc.After working and applying this book to our life, many many people say.... Life is fun again. Now he does not promise weight loss. Yet claims it happens allot.

And Harry's......A more scientific approach, Getting into the fact that people need people and we all need someone to love and count on , depend on and share life with, Also Exercise. 6 days a week, yes that is right 6 days a week. Then we have emotions, Emotions change our cells, Caring for someone changes us also, things such as social networks ( that is us Tackling the Temple, Mind , body and soul. ) Face to Face relationships and friendships nurture the Critical pathways in our daily expression of DNA.... ( So it's like a new born baby, feeds from his/her mother, we need someone to feed from, to give to, to love, it is called the CCC -- component in the book. Care, Connect, and Commit. Over the Next 3 Billion years, it will remain the same, that Nature's Rules for our bodies have not changed, and they will not change, Reminds me Of The Lord was the same then, is now and always will be, Truth is truth and truth will always remain the same.
So keep in mind, Emotions Change our Chemistry, so if we are emotional eaters, we are eating for the effect the food has on our emotions, to change something we don't like, to change how we feel. This is also the reason, many become alcoholic, and addicted to the use of chemicals. We just cant accept things for the way we are, and we had to have something different, we thought we could find it in, food, sex, drugs, anything, that changed our emotional state, we tried, Many of us seek help through Medicine , psychiatry, etc, These methods, do not work, not long term. It is a complete and total psychic mental change. that creates a new way of life and that only happens With God as our savior.

Now to wrap this up.... Americans who hit fifty of sixty in reasonable health, are likely to live well into there eighties. Wow , If I am going to be here, at 80. I do not want to be Humpty Dumpty who sits in a wheel chair, yelling and demanding someone bring me a glass of water , because I am to Fat, to lazy and all every bone hurts. If I am going to be 80 and here, I want to Dance, Love, Live , and Act like I am Young , It's a matter of mind. Renew your mind, and it can and should be great if you decide to not give up BUT TAKE CHARGE... Younger next year is the road map for taking Charge..

OK. Ladies.... Wow... I know I am long winded, That is OK. All we have is the ability to share with one another, and as I mentioned earlier, What comes from the Heart reaches the Heart...

Welcome to the Revolution. Please share your thoughts, suggestions, and anything you need or want to. Let us go out from here and do his bidding. Living according to principals, that would have us treat are bodies, like they belong to Jesus Christ. We are all on borrowed time.

Today, Before we eat,,, let us pray, let us envision IS this something GOD would eat, Lord help us be like you. Bless us with favor and determination, to eat for you, and not out of emotions. It is in Your name We Pray Amen!